
River Kent Kendal Cumbria River Kent Kendal Cumbria River Kent Kendal Cumbria River Kent Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0156 River Kent
River Kent Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0157 River Kent
River Kent Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0158 River Kent
River Kent Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0159 River Kent
River Kent Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
River Kent Kendal Cumbria Branthwaite Brow, Kendal Cumbria Branthwaite Brow, Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0160 River Kent
River Kent Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0161 DSC 0162 Branthwaite Brow, Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0163 Branthwaite Brow, Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
The Chocalate Shop Branthwaite Brow, Kendal Cumbria Highgate Kendal Cumbria Finkle Street Kendal, Kendal Finkle Street Kendal, Kendal
DSC 0164 The Chocalate Shop
Branthwaite Brow, Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0165 Highgate Kendal
Kendal Cumbia
DSC 0166 Finkle Street Kendal, Kendal DSC 0167 Finkle Street Kendal, Kendal
Branthwaite Brow, Kendal Cumbria Branthwaite Brow, Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0168 Branthwaite Brow, Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0169 Branthwaite Brow, Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0170  DSC 0171
River Kent Kendal Cumbria Kendal
DSC 0172 River Kent
River Kent Kendal
Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0173 Kendal DSC 0174  DSC 0175 
     Rainbow Tavern Highgate Kendal Cumbria
DSC 0176  DSC 0081  DSC 0082  DSCN 2417 Rainbow Tavern
Highgate Kendal
Kendal Cumbia
Town Hall Kendal Highgate Kendal Cumbria    
DSCN 2423 DSCN 2434
Town Hall Kendal
Highgate Kendal
Kendal Cumbia
 DSCN 3278 Kendal Snuff sign  DSC 0119 Kendal
DSC 0120 Kendal